Spiritual Care

Life Encounter is a spiritual care provider, helping people by accompanying your unique spiritual journey.

What nourishes you and feeds your spirit? Where do you find strength in difficult times?

Soul Midwifery

Providing spiritual care and comfort. Enabling a peaceful transition at the end of life.

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Spiritual Direction

Life-story listening and companionship for your unique spiritual journey.

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About Me

Encouraging authentic inner spiritual connection. Giving spiritual support through listening and affirmation.

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Working with those recognising and discovering the unique and essential nature of their spiritual journey.

Living life to the full is accepting the invitation to life’s adventure, being open to the gentle direction of your spirit, embracing the way to a fuller life and ultimately responding to that gentle voice within. It is learning to trust the process and continuing to journey on.

A life-affirming encounter with the sacred awaits our every breath. It is the priceless unearned treasure for those that say yes. It is pure gift for us to open to.

Where? How?

At my home, or via phone, Zoom, What’s App or FaceTime – whatever is most appropriate for you.

I work through using the discipline of listening accompaniment, encouraging a deeper relationship between mind and body, spirit and soul. I am interested in the practicalities of what helps to make this happen and provide a safe personal space for you to discover the way forward that is right for you.

I always take my lead from you – your life and your beliefs, working at your pace.


Usually at my home, sometimes by phone or Skype/FaceTime.

I also offer

Gentle spiritual care at the end of life

I support those crossing the sacred threshold and use a variety of complementary techniques, as well as listening accompaniment, which may include reiki and visualisation.

I always work in a holistic, non-religious and inclusive way.


Usually at your home and at your invitation.

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